Lunging and In-hand Training - it’s NOT boring!

Sometimes people tell me that lunging is so boring, they get dizzy and find it so much less interesting than riding. 🌟But it really is not 🌟

As part of my teacher training with the Ecole de Legerete we need to pass a Lunging and In-Hand Training exam. You need to show a range of skills with a horse you have trained from scratch. 

One of the things I like about this training is that I can easily see how my horse is responding, I also like that he gets to try new things without my weight on his back.

Here is a little snip of the recent exam 💕Hamish and I completed, maybe it can inspire you to try some of this training too?

Its not great quality footage, sorry! Try using the highest quality setting in YouTube.

Christine Mogensen

Principal - Blinkbonnie Equestrian Centre
