Improving the Canter - Counter Canter


Once the horse is able to counter bend in the canter the next step in improving the canter by developing straightness in the canter is the counter canter. The following exercises are a progressive approach to the counter canter.

Counter Canter without changing rein

Start by doing a slight broken line off the track. Bend to the left to leave the track. Change the bend to the right. Turn to the right with the bend to the right. At the track return to left bend. Gradually increase the amount that you leave the track until it is to the centre line

Counter canter from a half volte

Start in true canter to the left. Change rein using a half volte. Maintain bend to the right along the long side. Go around the first corner in canter making it as shallow as possible. Walk and rest.

Other exercises

If the horse remains relaxed complete the second corner then, when possible, continue onto a full circle

Once the horse is familiar with the counter canter it should be possible to do other shapes such as serpentines and figure-8. The rider must be careful to establish the counter bend for a few strides before going into a new curve in counter-canter

Riding the counter canter with the bend to the inside frees up the movement of the shoulders, gives amplitude to the canter stride and establishes straightness.

It confirms that the rider’s position should be inside leg at the girth, outside leg behind the girth with the rider weighting their seat to the direction of the movement of the horse.

Christine Mogensen - Principal, Blinkbonnie Equestrian Centre

Note : This content draws heavily from Phlippe Karl’s “Twisted Truths of Modern Dressage”
